Put Your Best Food Forward with A Great Theme

Different kind of spices on white table

This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind.

This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. Continue reading

Get the Garnish Intensive Discovery Workshop!

To create a visual identity for your brand that’s completely authentically yours, you need to find a combination of colors, fonts, graphic elements, and photos that come together to communicate the ideas and ideals behind the brand clearly. And to choose colors, fonts, graphics, and photos that do that job well, you need to have an extremely clear understanding about the ideas and ideals your brand represents.

Start anywhere else, and you’re just making wild guesses – and if you don’t know your brand, how can you expect anyone else to?
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Sample Post to Explore Foodie’s Style

Above this paragraph should be the H1 heading for your web page. Do not use H1 within your blog post area.

Inside of this test data section, you’ll find most of the basic HTML and XHTML and CSS styles that you might use within your WordPress Theme.

This is the H2 Heading

H2 headings should be used to separate chunks of your post text.  It also helps search engines to scan your content easily and serve up keyword-rich content to people searching for you.  Always start with H2 and then if you need to divide up a chunk of content further, use your H3.

This is the H3 Heading

H3 headings aren’t used as often, but can be helpful in breaking down your post content further.  People, and search engines, tend to scan information first and then, if they deem the content to be something they’re interested in, they’ll go back and read the body text.  For more information, check out this Copyblogger article about SEO copywriting techniques that readers love.

Also notice how the links in that paragraph are styled so you can style links within your post content area. Links have three styles. There is the link color. You can also change the link color, along with dozens of other color and typography options, in the Foodie Pro Customizer.

This is the H4 Heading

In this section under the H4 heading, we’re going to look at what the post content, the meat and potatoes of your site looks like. In general, you will have multiple paragraphs, so we will add another paragraph so you can adjust the spacing in between them to the look you want.

Paragraphs are not just for typing your blog babble, they can also hold frame and hold other information within your content area to help make the point you want to make in your writing. For instance, you will commonly have three types of lists.

  • General Lists using the <ul> tag
  • Ordered Lists using the <ol> tag
  • Definition Lists using the <dl> tag
    • Definition Lists use two other tags to generate the list:
      • <dt> sets up the word or phrase to be “defined”, usually set in bold, and
      • <dd> sets up the definition, which is usually in a normal or slightly smaller font and indented under the definition.
  • And that’s the end of the lists

And we’ve just tested a paragraph before and after a general list along with a nested list to help you see what at least three levels of the list will look like. Make sure that each level of the list is styled to match your specific needs. You might want to use the default disc or circle, or you might want to add graphic bullets to your list, too.

This is the H5 Heading

While the H5 heading is not always used, maybe you might find a need for it if your H1 and H2 and H3 headings are used. You might need one to two levels of subheadings in your post content, so this one gives you another option.

We also need to look at the other two lists and then add some images and other styles to flesh out your WordPress site.

  1. You need to do this first.
  2. You need to do this second.
    • You could do this in between.
    • Or give this a try, too.
  3. But this is the third and last thing to do.

And here is another paragraph to show the relationship between the various parts and pieces.

This is another H3 Heading

Let’s take a look at how images work in the theme. Typically, most food bloggers are going to use full-width centered images within the body of a post, but we’ll explore the right and left alignment options here just in case. This photo is using the medium image size and is aligned to the right. In order to clear the space below this image, I’m going to use the «clear» div class in the text editor for this post. Otherwise, things would look very misaligned.

This image is also using the medium image size option, but is aligned to the left. Notice the appropriate amount of padding surrounding the images? That’s Foodie Pro at work for you!

A centered image is a little different. It is centered in the middle and the text is pushed above and below it. This is the way we prefer food bloggers to use images: full-width and centered.

How to add the CSS styles for images is discussed in the Codex article, Using Images.

Testing Font Looks – H3 Heading

You will need to test the looks of the different font styles, too. This is bold and THIS IS BOLD. This is italic and THIS IS ITALIC. This is bold and italic and THIS IS BOLD AND ITALIC. This is code and THIS IS CODE. And now let’s look at what the PRE tag, also known as the preformatted tag, looks like:

This is the pre tag.
It should be formatted as written
     so if you add spaces to the front of the line
  it will show the spaces and the <code> as written

This should be back to the normal paragraph style and we hope you have been paying attention to the margins and padding around each element, including the paragraph, so you can position things appropriately to the rest of the content.

Your CSS Here – H3 Heading

Let’s look at the blockquote, one of the most common tags used in most blogs. It is designed to “frame” a quote from another blog, website, or reference that you are “quoting” from. For the most part, there are three examples of usage:

This is a simple quote. It is either preceded or followed by a link within the text to the credited source. A blockquote must be designed to stand out from the rest of the text content, but it does not have to “really” stand out, just separate itself from the content so we know it’s not your words.

Each website is unique with it’s own look and feel for the various parts and pieces. This cut and paste section looks only at what you might have within your content section. So if you will have boxes for lists or little aside information, you will need to add them so you can see how they will look in the overall page layout.

Some elements in a WordPress Theme are controlled by the style sheet, while others are controlled by the Template files. Try to work on as much as you can from the style sheet first, then you can mess with the template files.

Remember, any changes you make to the style sheet and template files will be not available if you change themes. If you want them carried over, you will need to copy and paste them into the new Theme folder.